Try installing QT2, I am pretty sure it should work then.


Pietro Mele wrote:
Should I look for a version of LyX compiled with QT3? How can I know the version of QT used in a program? Or should I install QT2?

Thanks again,

--- Paul Borgermans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I guess the rpm is compiled with qt2, not qt3 and you do not have the
qt2package installed. I don't think qt 3.1.1 is > qt 2.2.1 alltough
at first sight it seems logical.


Pietro Mele wrote:

Trying to install LyX 1.3.2-1 from RPM on Mandrake 9.1, I get the error message:

"It requires QT > 2.2.1"

...but I have QT 3.1.1 !!!
Am I the first one with such a problem? Can you suggest me something?



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