I need to format a document using Springer's package for lecture notes in compter science. I got the latex macros from their web site (LLNCS DOCUMENT CLASS -- version 2.13 (28-Jan-2002)) and located them so that TeX can find them.
I fired up lyx, selected edit/reconfigure. Among the output was +checking for document class llncs [llncs]... yes so I figure all is well. I quit & restarted lyx, created a new document, and in layout/document dialog, I changed the document class to "Springer - Lecture Notes in Comp. Sci.". Immediately, I get the following output to the terminal: Cannot copy unknown style `Journal' All layouts so far: Standard Chapter Section Subsection Subsubsection Paragraph [...] repeated four times. Is this normal? Things *seem* to work ok, but that output is curious. I'm using lyx 1.2.2 btw. Hmm. On closer examination, the llncs.layout file that comes with lyx has four lines that read CopyStyle Journal I suppose this is the source of my troubles. Am I missing a Journal .layout file? Or does llncs.layout need updating? Thanks for any enlightenment, -Steve