Hi, I am trying to use IEEEtrans and lyx. First I retrieved the IEEE files from:
http://www.educat.hu-berlin.de/~voss/lyx/data/IEEE.tgz and I made IEEEtran.cls and IEEEtran.layout available to lyx. Then I try to process the sample file IEEEtran.lyx (after selecting edit-> reconfigure and restarting lyx). When I compile the file I get six identical errors: ------------------------ Undefined control sequence. \floatstyle {} The control sequence at the end of the top line of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue, and I'll forget about whatever was undefined. --------------------------- if a export the file as latex (I attach it to this mail) it does not compile but if a remove the lines 13 to 18, that is: \providecommand{\tabularnewline}{\\} \floatstyle{} \newfloat{}{}{} \floatname{}{} \floatstyle{} \newfloat{}{}{} \floatname{}{} everything goes right. Can anybody point my what am I doing wrong in lyx? I use lyx 1.3.0 (compiled with QT) and tetex 1.0.7-47
%% LyX 1.3 created this file. For more info, see http://www.lyx.org/. %% Do not edit unless you really know what you are doing. \documentclass[twocolumn]{IEEEtran} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \makeatletter %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% LyX specific LaTeX commands. [EMAIL PROTECTED] \newcommand{\lyxarrow}{\leavevmode\,$\triangleright$\,\allowbreak} %% Because html converters don't know tabularnewline \providecommand{\tabularnewline}{\\} \floatstyle{} \newfloat{}{}{} \floatname{}{} \floatstyle{} \newfloat{}{}{} \floatname{}{} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Textclass specific LaTeX commands. \RequirePackage{graphicx} \newlength{\myWidth} \renewenvironment{biography}[2]{% % !AC \setlength{\myWidth}{\columnwidth} \noindent% [EMAIL PROTECTED] \IfFileExists{#1}{ \addtolength{\myWidth}{-29mm} \raisebox{-32mm}{\begin{minipage}[t]{29mm} \resizebox{25mm}{32mm}{\includegraphics[]{#1}} \end{minipage}}}{}% \begin{minipage}[t]{\myWidth} \textbf{#2}\rm\\ }{% \end{minipage} \end{lrbox} [EMAIL PROTECTED] } \usepackage{verbatim} \newtheorem{thm}{Theorem} \newtheorem{lemma}{Lemma} \makeatother \begin{document} \title{Your Title: And maybe a bit extra} \author{Herbert Voss% \footnote{Berlin, Germany% }, Charlotte Bronte% \footnote{Thornton, England% }} \maketitle \begin{comment} This paper presents a simple template for IEEEtran documents. Pay attention, that the IEEE-papers can't work with the babel-package. In Edit\lyxarrow{}Preferences\lyxarrow{}Languages\lyxarrow{}Language delete the text \texttt{\textbackslash{}usepackage\{babel\}} in the package-field (at least \LyX{}1.1.6fix2). \end{comment} \begin{abstract} This paper presents a simple template for IEEEtran documents. Pay attention, that the IEEE-papers can't work with the babel-package. In Edit\lyxarrow{}Preferences\lyxarrow{}Languages\lyxarrow{}Language delete the text \texttt{\textbackslash{}usepackage\{babel\}} in the package-field (at least \LyX{}1.1.6fix2). \end{abstract} \begin{keywords} simplicity, beauty, elegance \end{keywords} \markboth{This is for left pages}{and this is for right pages} \section{Introduction} There is no need for Evil Red Text in the \textbf{first paragraph}. You can choose this as a \LyX{}-paragraph from the paragraph-menu as \texttt{FirstStandard}. There is no need for Evil Red Text in the \textbf{first paragraph}. You can choose this as a \LyX{}-paragraph from the paragraph-menu as \texttt{FirstStandard}. But this paragraph is a real Standard one! With an enter behind the FirstStandard layout, you always get the standard one! \section{Previous Work} This is only a template remember. \section{Methodology} \begin{thm} [Theorem name] For a named theorem or theorem-like environment you need to use a little evil red text (\LaTeX{} mode) around the name. If you want an own Theorem name put it in \TeX{} square brackets: \texttt{{[}my Theorem name{]}} \end{thm} \begin{lemma} If you don't want a theorem or lemma name don't add one. \end{lemma} \begin{proof} And here's the proof! \end{proof} \section{Results} % \begin{figure}[hbt] \begin{center}\fbox{\rule{0cm}{3cm}\rule{3cm}{0cm}}\end{center} \caption{Captions go \emph{under} the figure} \end{figure} % \begin{table}[hbt] \caption{Table captions go \emph{above} the table} \begin{center}\begin{tabular}{|c|c|} \hline delete& this\tabularnewline \hline \hline example& table\tabularnewline \hline \end{tabular}\end{center} \end{table} \section{Conclusions} And here some conclusions or not .. And here some conclusions or not .. And here some conclusions or not .. And here some conclusions or not .. And here some conclusions or not .. And here some conclusions or not .. And here some conclusions or not .. And here some conclusions or not .. And here some conclusions or not .. And here some conclusions or not .. And here some conclusions or not .. And here some conclusions or not .. \bibliographystyle{IEEEbib} \bibliography{your_biblio_file} \section*{The Authors} The biography-environment of the latest IEEEtran.cls makes some problems if the biography is very short, than the second picture (of the co-author) overlapps over the first one. Therefore the biography-environemt is rewritten in latex preamble through the lyx-layout-file. \begin{comment} Change in the following biography-layout the eps-file for the authors or leave this parameter blank! If a file doesn't exists, lyx takes as default an empty entry. \end{comment} \begin{biography} {Voss.eps}{Herbert Voss} Born 1949 in Lower Saxonia, Germany. Some work in power electronics and a degree at Dr-Ing. at the Technical University of Berlin. \end{biography} % This LaTeX comment is needed to force LyX to generate two separate environments \begin{biography} {Bronte.eps}{Charlotte Bronte}born at Thornton (bei York) 21.4.1816, ?Haworth (bei Bradford) 31.3.1855, engl.ische Schriftstellerin. Gab eine Lyrikanthologie (auch mit Gedichten ihrer Schwestern Anne und Emily Jane Bronte) heraus; bekannte Romane, u.a. Jane Eyre (1847)\end{biography} \end{document}