> > I've got Ruurd's port of Qt-Lyx too, and previews are working here. 
> Wow!

Qt is a big improvement over XForms. Ruurd made a big achievement. If the 
little problems can be fixed and a Installshield installer applied, it will 
become a Windows application suitable for giving to the technically-

The previews themselves are pretty "wow" too, of course! :-) 

> We could use different delimiters for the sed command. Eg:
> {
>         # Remove everything except the original .tex file.
>         FILES=`ls ${BASE}* | sed -e ",${BASE}.tex,d"`
>         rm -f ${FILES} texput.log
>         echo "Leaving ${BASE}.tex in ${DIR}"
>         exit 1
> }

My sed doesn't seem to understand ",,d"? I changed it to the following, 
which seems to work:

FILES=`ls ${BASE}* | sed -e "s,${BASE}.metrics,,g" -e "s,${BASE}[0-9]*.

> > Finally, type is not working for some reason so
> > I commented out the line "type pnmcrop".
> But it works in the FIND_IT function?

I've taken another look at it. The trouble seems to be that the type in 
sh.exe which is used when lyx calls an external script doesn't understand 
symbolic links (which are a kind of weird hack under Cygwin). Strangely 
enough, it does understand them when executing commands. The executables of 
latex etc were in my path, whereas of pnmcrop only a symbolic link is in my 
path. The fix is simply to use the bash.exe provided with cygwin instead of 
sh.exe . Ruurd should be able to straighten this out. 

Regarding my problem with blocky characters: I have to use a 
\preview_scale_factor of 1.8 to make the math exactly as large as the 
surrounding text. Do you have any idea why this could be? My zoom is 100 and 
my dpi is 86 (I verified with a ruler it is correct). 

Is it normal that math bitmaps are one pixel lower than surrounding text? 

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