On Fri, 7 Mar 2003, Dekel Tsur wrote:

> On Thu, Mar 06, 2003 at 03:15:38PM -0800, James Frye wrote:
> > 
> > Now another question from a lazy new user:  would it be possible to
> > somehow define a macro to do that, and assign it to a key?  It would work
> > sort of like importing Lex math formulas:  mark the desired text, then hit
> > the key, and an ERT and the Lex command text are wrapped around it.
> The correct way to do this is to define a new layout in the .layout file.
> Customization.lyx covers this issue.

Well, in a way it does.  I mean, did I read the section?  Yes.  Did I
understand enough of it to even guess where to start trying to clone a
custom one from the closest existing version.  No, not even close :-)

Maybe in a month or two I'll have gotten to the point where I can do that.
Unfortunately, the paper is due Wednesday :-(


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