> >>roy nicolas wrote:
> >>
> >>>I want to have several theorems (or lemma, definitions..) following each
> >>>other. But Lyx merge them into one theorem environnemnt. Is it possible
> >>>to do this ?
> [...]
> > The correct solution is to add an empty note or an ERT inset containing '%'.
> Nice, but not exactly intuitive for those who don't know latex.
> How about having a "insert->paragraph break" that does the same, 
> user-friendly?
> Helge Hafting

I don't know what corresponds to "paragraph break" in my french lyx, but
if it is "inerer/caractère special/sparation de ligature", this inserts
also an unwanted vertical space between the two environnements.
"Insert/note" is a good (and user-friendly) solution...


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