On Sunday 16 February 2003 10:05 pm, Peter Clark wrote:
> Since the document I am currently working on will need many short notes
> (almost one per line), I thought it would be better to use margin notes
> rather than footnotes. What would be the best way to redefine the margin
> notes so that:
>       - the font size is smaller (say 8 or 9)
>       - the margin text is ragged justified
>       - a numbered mark (similar to a footnote mark) is made in the text, and
> reverts to 1 at the start of a new page.

        Bad form replying to myself, but I found the answer to the first two 
requirements at 
http://www.educat.hu-berlin.de/~voss/lyx/misc/marginpar.phtml. (I missed them 
before because I looked only under "Margins" instead of "\marginpar".) Still 
haven't found a way to insert a mark, though.

Oh what a tangled web they weave who try a new word to conceive!

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