I have installed LyX 1.2.3 on Win98 (first edition) and it worked
satisfactorily, however sometimes (randomly) it hanged up during work. I
haven't tried Claus Hentschel's tip with old X11 files, I was just saving
often enough.
Recently I've upgraded to Win98SE and after reinstalling fpTeX,
Cygwin/XFree86 and LyX, LyX shuts down after hitting any key after start.
I'm able to operate with mouse, but sometimes scrolling hangs it up too. I
tried old X11 files from Claus Hentschel's page, both on LyX 1.2.3 and
1.3.0, but I get following errors:
(I'm translating this one from Polish)
File XWIN.EXE is linked with missing export
(following two were in English)
Run.exe: Error: could not start C:\Cygwin\USR\X11R6\BIN\twm.exe
LyX error: Unable to access X display, exiting
I've looked in LyX tips&tricks and on this list, but I haven't found
anything of interest - some similar problems were at least two years old
and the only other solution was upgrading X-server. I upgrade XFree86
regularly and it makes no change.
Maybe I should try some old X11 files, but not so old as these on LyX?
Or maybe I should change X-server?
If anyone could help me, I would be extremely grateful.
Best regards,
Andrzej Tomaszewski