
I've got a problem with a document using the book (komascript) class:  

Using the following pagystyle definition:

\renewcommand{\chaptermark}[1] {\markboth{#1}{}}%
\renewcommand{\sectionmark}[1] {\markright{\thesection\ #1}}%
\cfoot{\thepage} %

everything works fine, but I've got a list of tables and after this, on the 
next page, I've got a list of abbreviations where I chose the chapter* 
environment to format the heading "List of abbreviations".  Now, this list is 
two pages long and on the second page the headline still says "List of 
Tables".  I tried so many combinations but I could not find out how to change 
the headline to "List of Abbreviations".

Every help ist welcome,

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