There is a little secret: you need to update the gcc package from the on-line distribution of SuSE 8.1. The versions there are more recent than the ones on DVD/CD. They are NOT in the upgrade directories or suse's web site, although they clearly are.


Ernesto Jardim wrote:

There were several messages about the broken compiler error several
people is getting when compiling lyx with qt.

This has been addressed a few days ago with lyx1.3.0pre3. Someone posted
an workaround but I was not able to find it.

In the mean time it seems that this is a problem with SuSE 8.1 and gcc
so I've posted a bug report to them (Ticket [20030205000001236]) and I'm
still waiting for the response.

When I'll get and answer I'll post it here.



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