On Wed, 5 Feb 2003, Ingar Pareliussen wrote:

| Is there a way in the Lyx GUI to set the number of columns a cell should
| span with the \multicolumn environment ?
| Latex example (from the top of my head):
| from:
| \multicolumn{1}{l}{long text}&
| &
| &\\
| to:
| \multicolumn{3}{l}{long text}\\
| I searched but didn't find anyway to do this. Finally I exported the
| table to latex. Changed the code and imported it again, which worked
| flawlessly, but seems to be a bit of a pain when compared to a gui :).

do you mean to make a single column from three columns?

select the three columns the Layout -> Table -> Spesial (I don't really
know, my Lyx in German) and select multicolumn.


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