Hello list, 
  I've got a few questions (simple ones I think, although I don't seem to be
  able answer them myself) regarding LyX with cygwin and the cygwin XFree86

  There you go: I've set up LyX as described in Claus Hentschel's How-To on
  www.lyx.org. Apart from some minor problems (mostly because it's a little
  outdated and me not using X-Win32) LyX works now under cygwin with a
  running XServer. There is the binary "lyxwin32.exe" in cygwin\bin which
  starts up LyX fine, but it seems that some preferences and options
  regarding environment and the like are not set. 
    The most serious problem is that LyX cannot export to DVI for example,
  giving me the error message "Cannot export file - No Information for
  exporting to DVI". 
    On the other hand, starting LyX from an xterm in cygwin's XFree86 seems
  to work pretty well, I can export to DVI, pdf, PS, ASCII, etc very well
  but this time, LyX uses the cygwin directory heirarchy, /home/ant that is,
  instead of the LyX-directory I supplied in /etc/lyxprofile (c:\doc\lyx or
  /cygwin/c/doc/lyx that is) which are two seperate directories. This is a
  bit of an inconvenience, but quite clear in that context.

  So my question is: Why wont LyX load a proper environment when started by
  cygwin\bin\lyxwin32.exe? Or does the problem lie somewhere else? Or could I
  solve this by telling LyX to use /cygwin/c/doc/lyx instead of /home/ant?
  But how do I do so?

  I would be very thankful for any pointers on that.
Thanks in advance, 
        Andreas "ant" Ntaflos | "A cynic is a man who knows the price of
        [EMAIL PROTECTED]   | everything, and the value of nothing."
        Vienna, AUSTRIA       |                              Oscar Wilde

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