
I am writing my thesis, and it seems that sometimes there are some
additionnal vertical spaces added between my paragraph when I format my
document in two sided book, instead of one side book.

For example, I have attached the following files :

test.lyx : is the example test file i made

test1side.ps : is the corresponding one side document

test2sides.ps : is the corresponding two sided document.

When comparing test2sides.ps to test1side.ps you can see additionnal
vertical spacing everywhere between Chapter and sections and paragraphs.

I have noticed that the vertical spaces are not always added, it depends
of the length of paragraph. The test.lyx file was created to reproduce
the problem. 

Is this a bug ?
How to avoid this disgraceful formating ?

Thanks for your help.

PS: i am using lyx 1.1.6 fix4

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Attachment: test.lyx
Description: Binary data

Attachment: test1side.ps.gz
Description: application/gunzip

Attachment: test2sides.ps.gz
Description: application/gunzip

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