>>>>> "Oscar" == =?ISO-8859-15?Q?Oscar L=F3pez?= <ISO-8859-15> writes:

Oscar> Hello lyxers I have recently upgraded to lyx-1.2.3 from lyx
Oscar> -1.1.6fix4 and I am experiencing some problems with the
Oscar> inclusion of graphic files. I am trying to include the output
Oscar> of metapost files, let's say fnflm.0 and when I try to view the
Oscar> postscript lyx says that:

Oscar> No information for converting from 0 to eps

LyX is indeed not able to determine that your file is an eps file. It
is indeed not an eps file, since gv is not able to view it (so lyx
will not be able to show it on screen, I think). It is
nevertheless a file that can be understood by latex.

Oscar> which is annoying because the fnflm.0 is and almost ready eps
Oscar> file, there is no need to convert from 0 to eps because
Oscar> includegraphics is able to read *.0 files. In fact old version
Oscar> of lyx were able to do that. 

Oscar> BTW with the new version, am i obliged to especify every
Oscar> graphic conversion to eps format?

Most of them are already here.

Oscar> it seems that lyx skipped the 0 extension, Why?

This is a problem with the code in
insets/insetgraphics.C:prepareFile.C. Try to change the end of the method (around line 
737) from
        converters.convert(buf, temp_file, outfile_base, from, to);
        return RemoveExtension(temp_file);
        if (!converters.convert(buf, temp_file, outfile_base, from, to))
                return temp_file;
                return RemoveExtension(temp_file);

You can get rid of the alerts by removing the code 
                Alert::alert(_("Cannot convert file"),
                           _("No information for converting from ")
                           + formats.prettyName(from_format) + _(" to ")
                           + formats.prettyName(to_format));
around line 592 of src/converter.C

Hope this helps.


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