On Thu, Jan 23, 2003 at 06:32:09PM +0100, Oscar L?pez wrote:
> >Why do you go through MetaPost then? Both xfig and gnuplot can
> >produce excellent EPS files. As for lambda and similar things,
> >there are some drivers based on LaTeX picture environment.
> Two reasons mainly:
> * How do you insert math labels or even complicated math expressions in 
> eps files? Maybe, using psfrag? and if I would like to have both 

Some programs can generate Postscript+latex code for the labels (e.g.,
xfig, sketch).

> postscript and pdf outputs from the same latex file, afaik there no 
> exist an efficient pdffrag or something like that.

Why do you need that ? You can use ps2pdf.

> * How do you show incrementally a graphic during a presentation? Afaik 
> only using ppower and multiinclude metapost files as layers. Please 
> check this presentation

You can generate a series of EPS files.
See e.g. http://www.math.tau.ac.il/~dekelts/slides/

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