Hi everyone.

I'm still trying to master LyX's seminar class (before going on to

I am dismayed to find that seminar seems to be a class where it is
harder to create a document using LyX. I hope someone can give
me the hint that breaks through this difficulty.

The main difficulty is that you cannot see where one slide environment
ends and another begins. I have resorted to exporting to LaTeX and
the .tex file with vi.

I have read all the documentation that I can find and still find it
non-trivial to create a set of slides.

I may have install errors. The Portraitslide environment has a de label
in Lyx. The Landscapeslide environment has no label.

I have to figure out how to place a Listofslides inside a slide
(Other than creating a .tex file by hand or using ERT.)

John O'Gorman

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