On Wed, Dec 11, 2002 at 09:19:23AM +0100, Andre Poenitz wrote:
> So someone is thinking cmm is not available but cmsy is used instead?

> Could you simply re-start LyX?

I restarted, re-configured, checked the preference again (and again), 
the problem still exists.

I use Serif for Roman/Sans Serif fonts. Use Courier for Typewritter 
font; English as Defaulf Language, \usepackage{babel} and 
\selectlanguage{$$lang}, Use babel, Global, Mark foreign language; 
etc... my system $LANG=en_US.UTF-8.

Note that I install lyx1.3cvs separately (I use 1.2.1 as default working 
lyx) but they are using the same .lyx. (Can I use separate .lyx for 
them?) lyx1.2.1 is now working fine.

Bo Peng

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