This might be just a latex thing, but just in case. If I have a book (Komascript) with parts in it, the caption format becomes something like: Figure 1.1.: Text whereas without parts, it becomes: Figure 1.1: Text
Is this a latex/Komascript thing, or does LyX do something? Anyway, you can find two simple .lyx-examples and corresponding .dvi-outputs here: If you think this is a LyX bug, let me know and I'll add it to bugzilla. /Christian PS. It's not a problem for me anymore since I managed to work around it using Herbert's tips&tricks, by adding the following to the preamble: % Setting up my caption numbers \renewcommand*\figureformat {\figurename~\thefigure% \if@altsecnumformat\fi% } \renewcommand*\tableformat {\tablename~\thetable% \if@altsecnumformat\fi% } \renewcommand*\captionformat {:\ } % DS -- Christian Ridderström, +46-8-790 91 37 Mechatronics lab, Dept. of Machine Design