On Mon, Dec 09, 2002 at 04:04:01PM -0600, Bo Peng wrote:

> On Mon, Dec 09, 2002 at 04:28:49PM -0300, Osvaldo Fornaro wrote:
> > I just compiled 1.3 with qt frontend without any problem. However math 
> > panel seems to be a wrong behavior, for example does not permit to 
> > select any of []{}, etc, except  (). Same as greek letters, arrows, 
> > etc. Is it a known behavior?

I do not have any kind of problem like that.

> I noticed that too. I guess it is a known bug but I was too lazy to 
> search bugzilla. As a matter of fact, I found tones of problems so I 
> decided to wait till at least some kind of beta version to test and 
> report problems.

They're not going to get fixed if we don't know about them

"Saying that taste is just personal preference is a good way to prevent
disputes. The trouble is, it's not true."
        - Paul Graham

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