----- Forwarded message from Praedor Atrebates <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----

From: Praedor Atrebates <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Lyx-users" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Changing font size on reference pages?
Date: Fri, 6 Dec 2002 08:36:05 -0500
User-Agent: KMail/1.4.3

Thanks...but it doing this causes problems.

I added the tex lines before and after my "BibTeX Generated References" and 
tried to preview it.  It produced 2 errors at odd locations in the previous 
body text:


I've inserted something that you may have forgotten (See the <inserted text> 
above.) etc, etc.

I have as yet seen no "<inserted text>" of any kind above - but it is a long 

The second error is:

Too many }'s


You've closed more groups than you opened. Such booboos are generally 
harmless, so keep going.

I would LOVE to keep going but I have never understood how I can "keep going" 
with even the most innocuous error.  The message sometimes mentions something 
like "try typing '2' now, then your troubles will go away"  Huh?  No they 
wont, all that will do is insert a randomly placed '2' in my document.

Anyway, I cannot find any unpaired "{" or "}" anywhere in the document.  Since 
I added a pair, both a { and a }, any problem this causes should exist when 
they are removed if it is simply a matter of too many {'s for the number of 
}'s.  Is there something else missing from simply doing an 
"ERT: {\large
BibTeX Generated References
ERT:}" ?


On Thursday 05 December 2002 03:20 pm, Nirmal Govind wrote:
> > How do I force the use of 12 point font in my autogenerated reference
> > pages?
> Hi.. I was just trying to do this yesterday on some slides actually..
> and this is what worked for me - right before your Bibliography inset,
> insert ERT and put {\large and right after the inset, insert another ERT
> box and put } in there... so it'll look like:
> ERT: {\large
> BibInset
> ERT: }
> You might want to change the large to get the correct font size. I'm not
> sure what large corresponds to in terms of pt.
> nirmal

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