On Wed, 27 Nov 2002, John Coppens wrote:

> Hi all...
> Lyx is GREAT!
> That said, do have a problem: When generating PDFs with images in them,
> and sometimes just inside LyX itself, I find that the images don't update,
> like if there's a cache somewhere that doesn't get flushed after a change.
> Example: I have a PS image that I include in the LyX doc. I didn't like
> the original image, edited it a bit, and re-included it in the document.
> LyX shows the changes, but the PDF or PDF(Latex) viewer doesn't. This
> behaviour is very persistent...
> But sometimes, inside LyX itself, it's difficult to get an image updated.
> At times, I have to explicitly load another image, then reload the
> actual pic again to get it on the screen.
> Am I doing something wrong? Couldn't find references to this in the
> docs...
> John
It's a known bug, see:


and from bugzilla it looks like this is fixed in some CVS-version.


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-790 91 37           http://www.md.kth.se/~chr
Mechatronics lab, Dept. of Machine Design        http://www.md.kth.se

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