>>>>> "J" == J Lauffenburger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

J> The attached file is a little example of the problem I have. The
J> problem is linkerd to the French package which is used in the
J> premble. Removing this package permits the file to be compiled and
J> no error are generated.

J> When I remove this package all the titles are not in French even if
J> the language of the document is Frenchb...

J> Could someone explain?

Here is a modified version of your file that works here. I am not sure
what I could have done that really helps (basically I removed ERT in
favour of LyX supported things). Could you try it out and tell e
whether it still fails?

I'd like to see the error that you get, too.


Attachment: example.lyx
Description: Binary data

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