On Wed, Nov 20, 2002 at 10:29:46AM +0100, Michael Jaeger wrote:
> Hi,
> I just wanted to try out prosper and downloaded the lyx-files from Dekel 
> (http://www.math.tau.ac.il/~dekelts/slides/).  Unfortunately they don't work 
> with lyx 1.1.6fix4 which I am using.  Does anybody know if there is a 
> possibility to get it run with this version of lyx?

Yes, it is absolutely possible.

My LaTeX installation already has the prosper class file installed
(the "prosper" package from Debian).  Here's what I did next.

1. From Dekel's "cluster" tarball, copy three files to ~/.lyx/layouts:

    prosper.layout  theorem-unnumbered.inc  theorem.inc

2. Edit prosper.layout, adding this line:


3. Start lyx and do "Edit/Reconfigure".  Quit.

These steps are adapted from the "Combining prosper and LyX" section of

The two differences are that: (1) I already had prosper installed so I
didn't need to copy prosper2.cls, and (2) I needed to hack the
prosper.layout file.

As noted on Voss' web page, if you want to load "cluster.lyx", you
also need "dsfont.sty".  I obtained the latter from Debian's
"tetex-extra" package.

Hope this helps,

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