On Tue, 19 Nov 2002 15:39, Nirmal Govind wrote:
> Hi.. have a really simple question ... if I'm trying to get all parts of
> a name, say "First M. Last" to stay together on the same line, then how
> do I do it in LyX? Basically, I'm trying to avoid getting "First" at the
> end of one line and then "M. Last" at the beginning of the next line. I
> vaguely remember something of this sort exists in Latex but is there a
> way in LyX to do this?
> Thanks,
> nirmal

Use protected spaces: CTRL-SPACE, like
where _ is a protected space (CTRL-SPACE)

If that still splits your word_with_spaces (e.g. through hyphenation) you can 
do an less elegant thing and type it in math-mode as text.


Steven Homolya
School of Physics and Materials Engineering
Monash University VIC 3800
Tel: INT +61 3 9905 3694
Fax: INT +61 3 9905 3637

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