Hi, I'm just learing to use LyX, so I'm sorry if this is a bit of a gumby-type question. I'm writing a large-ish report, and including individual chapters as files in a 'master' file. When I generate tables of contents, figures and lists, page numbers begin from the beginning of the page of contents. I would like page numbering to start at the beginning of my first chapter, and my title page, abstract, and tables of contents, figures and tables to be numbered consecutively with lower case roman numerals. I have tried the LayTeX command \pagenumbering to restart page numbers at the beginning of my first chapter, but this didn't seem to work. I then tried the command \pagenumbering{roman} to try and convert numbering in selected sections to roman numerals, and when this didn't work, I tried renewcommand\thepage{roman} (as per advice on the website), bt this didn't work either. Not sure If I've got the wrong commands, or am putting them in the wrong place, or if my approach is totally wrong. I have no prior knowledge of LayTeX, so I'm not sure how to go about it. Any tips?