Another way is to hit enter immediately (at the beginning of the caption), which inserts a standard paragraph above the caption. There you can place the figure.The only way around this that I've found is to remove the caption environment, insert the graphics, and then recreate the caption.
Aahh. Good tip. That works nicely. Thanks!
This seems ludicrous. Am I being an idiot?I would rather say the GUI design is not very intuitive.
Additionally, the documentation in this area is misleading. From the User Guide:
After a figure is generated, including a empty caption, there is no way to place the cursor *before* the caption. You have to insert a standard paragraph first.If you prefer your caption to appear below the figure, then insert the Figure when the cursor is at the very start of the caption (or you can delete the caption and recreate it by selecting the Caption environment > after the figure has been inserted).
I, and probably other confused users, presumed that `the very start of the caption' must mean after the 'Figure #:' text, since this is the only point where LyX allows me to place the caret.
Another point that I would like to make is that the error messages that result from placing a graphic within the caption environment are not helpful: "Paragraph ended before \@caption was complete" followed by usual TeX gibberish about missing braces.
My thoughts:
1. Current GUI behavior is counter-intuitive.
2. User's Guide should at least be revised to reflect current behavior.
3. LyX should refuse to insert a graphic in the caption environment.
If #3 is not possible, then a comprehendable warning should be displayed. But since LyX won't let me place a graphic inside an equation, it seems that it should be possible to produce similar behavior for a caption.
My apologies if this is old ground that has been discussed before...