(I am resending this mail. I think I sent it to a wrong address the first time. I'm sorry if it reaches you twice)

I'm running lyx1.2.1 on Cygwin running on Windows XP Home.
My problem is Lyx only seems to compile with latex the first time I run view-dvi or update-dvi (or view-ps etc). When I make subsequent changes to the lyx document and wish to view the dvi (or ps), it doesn't compile with latex again. On the contrary it only runs windvi (or dvips and then gsview).
Another complication is that it does compile when I ask to view the pdf (with pdflatex). However, this too is done only the first time. Therefore I get two different old outputs (one each for dvi&ps and pdf)
I would be grateful for any suggestions
Thank you and regards,
P.S.: This is the first time I've posted to a mailing list. Pardon me if I haven't followed the convention

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