On Thursday 31 October 2002 12:11 am, Darren Freeman wrote:
> Dear lists,
> I have just finished an enormous piece of work using LyX (my first
> *important* document done using LyX).
> I would like to express my deepest gratitude to those who have helped me
> in any way over the past few weeks. I really mean it, I would have come
> up against a brick wall if I had to go off and learn the finer points of
> LyX all on my own, I just finished it on time as it was.
> So thank you! You earned a place in my acknowledgements section. Plus I
> like the way LaTeX formats its own name, so it had to be in there
> somewhere =)
> Have fun,
> Darren

I wholeheartedly second the motion!

Steve Litt
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