On Wed, Oct 16, 2002 at 11:46:27AM -0700, Max Bian wrote:
> If you have to use the powerful pstex/pstex_t combined figures in LyX 
> as I do, you may find the following script helpful.  Basically it
> converts the two-part figure into one single eps. It saves me lots of
> headache because I don't have to deal with two files. Scaling and
> rotating also become easier since I can do it via the insert graphics
> dialog. 

I use the following script to convert .fig to .eps directly:


# usage: fig2tex foo.fig foo.tex


# usage: fig2eps foo.fig foo.eps


echo "
`fig2dev -L pstex $1`
`fig2dev -L pstex_t -p $PSNAME $1`
" > $TMPDIR/$BASE.tex

        cd $TMPDIR ;
        latex $BASE.tex ;
        # sometimes empty pages at the beginning are produced. Just use the last
        # one.
        dvips -f $BASE.dvi | psselect _1 > $BASE.tmpeps
        rm -f $BASE.tex $BASE.log $BASE.dvi $BASE.aux $PSNAME
#mv $TMPDIR/$BASE.tmpeps $2
eps2eps -- $TMPDIR/$BASE.tmpeps $2
rm $TMPDIR/$BASE.tmpeps

Actually, I thought this was already part of LyX but this seemingly never
got included.


Those who desire to give up Freedom in order to gain Security,
will not have, nor do they deserve, either one. (T. Jefferson)

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