Hi Herbert,

I think something is missing in that piece of code, since when I put it 
in my preamble I get a bunch of errors. The problem is  I know nothing 
about LaTeX and I don't know how to fix it. I see a closing brace at the 
bottom, and I don't see a corresponding opening one anywhere, so perhaps 
this is the problem.

Also, exactly where in the preamble would I place this snippet, probably 
before defining the stuff in the footer? Or does it even matter where it 
is placed?


Herbert Voss wrote:

> Vladimir Milovanovic schrieb:
>> How would I be able to insert the name of and number of the current
>> chapter in the footer of the document? At the moment there is some stuf
>> there that I want to throw out ( I am using a university template, and I
>> want to take out some stuff I don't need). Here's the part of the
>> preamble that concerns with the footer. I want ot throw out the
>> docnumner, docrevnumber and the classification and have the chapter info
>> instead.
> in the preamble
> \let\oldChapter\chapter
> \newcommand{\ChapName}[1]{}
> \renewcommand{\chapter}[2][]{%
>     \renewcommand{\ChapName}{#2}%
>     \oldChapter[#1]{#2}%
> }
> now you have the commands \thechapter for the number
> and \ChapName for the title, which you can place anywhere
> in the header/footer
> Herbert
> -- 
> http://www.educat.hu-berlin.de/~voss/lyx/

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