On 27 Sep 2002, Matthew Kelly wrote:

> I then uninstalled xforms-0.89-5 and replaced it with xforms-0.88-4

  Good move!
> However the good news is that recompiling the source code (generated
> during rpm --rebuild lyx-1.2.1-1.src.rpm) using 
> ./configure and ./make worked  once xforms-0.88-4 was installed

  There is an easier, and equivalent, way of doing this.

  Install the src.rpm ('rpm -ivh <package>.src.rpm'). This puts the
components in their proper directories; /usr/src/redhat/BUILD, ../SRPMS,
../SPECS. Next, cd to the SPECS/ directory and, as root, run 'rpm -ba
<package>.spec'. This is the 'build all' command and it will recreate the
.src.rpm the binary .rpm and all based on what's on your box. With this
approach you can also add other options, such as '--target i686'.

  As a further couple of points of interest, most well-built tarballs have a
spec file in them. You can try running 'rpm -ta <package>.tgz' and you
should get a binary package from it.

  Also, grab the rpm for 'checkinstall'. It, too, will build a Red Hat .rpm
(or Debian .deb) from a tarball. Instead of running ./configure, make, make
install, you replace the last step with checkinstall.

Have fun!


Dr. Richard B. Shepard, President

                       Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc. (TM)
            2404 SW 22nd Street | Troutdale, OR 97060-1247 | U.S.A.
 + 1 503-667-4517 (voice) | + 1 503-667-8863 (fax) | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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