Two additional ideas that may be useful to those using LyX on MacOSX: - Xdvi, at least the fink installation, is flakey on MacOS 10.2. A better solution for viewing DVI on the Mac is MacDviX, available from -- which is a native Aqua DVI viewer that does not require Xwindows. It's quick, versatile, and reliable. To configure in LyX, define the DVI viewer in preferences as `open -a MacDviX' without the quotes. If you also use MacGhostviewX for Postscript and Preview or Acrobat Reader for PDF files, you will need Xwindows only for LyX itself.
- To use the Mac command key as a Meta key, put the following lines in .Xmodmap: clear mod1 add mod1 = Meta_L and make sure your X-windows window manager runs xmodmap during startup. Ronald Florence