>>>>> "Alexander" == Alexander Volovics <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Alexander> Hello, I have'nt really started using 1.2.1 yet, just
Alexander> playing around.

Alexander> I wanted to see the results of View
Alexander> (DVI,HTML,PDF,PDF(pdflatex),Postscript) using Help (to make
Alexander> the necessary adjustments to Preferences).

Alexander> Whichever file you choose from Help (Introduction,
Alexander> Tutorial,...) it is displayed OK with DVI and PDF but using
Alexander> Postscript or HTML fails and shows a message like:

Can you send your .lyx/lyxrc.defaults or
$prefix/share/lyx/lyxrc.defaults ? I presume that lyx did not find a
viewer for ps or html. What postscript viewer do you have? What web


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