Hello dear Lyxers, I've just compiled and installed Lyx 1.2.1 on my SuSE 8.0 System (after making a link in /usr/X11R6/include/X11 like forms.h -> /usr/X11R6/include where the forms.h is located). After successfully finding where to change the key binding (not in the ~/.lyx/lyxrc file like stated in the german help file and in the lyxrc.example but in the ~/.lyx/preferences - or via the 'preferences...' menu) I changed that to emacs style. Unfortunately still with that key bindings after typing C-x-f for opening a file it is not possible to select the file like in emacs (comparable to the shell behavior). But there is that 'nice' menu coming which is not capable to extend sub directories and file names like the bash does. Is there a possibility to come to the nice command line like one has in the emacs?
Thanks in advance Wolfgang