Le Mercredi 21 Août 2002 12:21, [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :
> 1.) How can I change the second level of my Enumeration to a decimal
> numbers instead of the default letters?  For example:
>  - - - < s n i p > - - -
> 1. First, first level enumeration
>   1.1 First, second level enumeration
>   1.2 Second, second level enumeration
> 2. Second, first level enumeration
>   2.1 First, second level enumeration
>   2.2 Second, second level enumeration
>  - - - < s n i p > - - -

You can do this by redefining the LaTeX command that writes the label, for 
the second level it is \labelenumii, use this command in a LaTeX inset
(cf sample)

> 2.) How can i fit the table that I created that will not exceed the
> defined margin? What is happening with my thesis is if I have a long
> table header/caption, the cell extends.  All I want is to have a fixed
> width of a particular column and if the data within the cell is long, it
> will just moves down the next line but not the next row, just like in MS
> Word.

Check the table dialog, you can set a fixed size for a column.

> 3.) How will I change the label "Contents" to "Table of Contents" in my
> thesis.cls or any other options to do it?

Redefine the command \contentsname
\renewcommand{\contentsname}{Table of Contents}

> 4.) I want to have a ladder type of indention, how will I do it?  For
> example:
>  - - - < s n i p > - - -
>   This is the first paragraph.
>      This is the first indention that I want to make.
>         This is the second indention that I want to make.
>   Then goes back to the normal indention for the second paragraph.
>  - - - < s n i p > - - -

You can simulate this with minipages that are right aligned (cf sample)

PS: the sample file was created with LyX 1.2.1

Renaud Michel

Ta mere c'est Chantal Goya 

Attachment: sample.lyx
Description: application/lyx

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