Eildert Groeneveld wrote:

> as an ardent usr of LyX I was very happy to use all those new features when 
> LyX-1.2.0 came out. Now we are in the process of advertizing its use on a 
> larger scale at our institution. Only problem is: LyX is very unstable and 

1.1.6 -> 1.2.0 was a major step forward, including some problems ....

> slow so that we will scare people away more than convince them to use LyX.

what is slow, be more specific please?

> This instability pertains to mostly to table as does the really slow speed. 
> When cutting and pasting for instance lyx bombs out kind of regularly.
> We have a RedHat 7.3 system with xforms-0.89-3

can you give an example-file?

> Also, there do not seem to be rpms of a higher patchlevel around.
> We have lyx-1.2.0-1 installed.

1.2.1 will come up in the next week(s)
you still have the chance to load the 1.2.1cvs

> Is this a general problem?


> Institute for Animal Science
> Mariensee 31535 Neustadt Germany

that's cool :-) I was born 10 km away from there



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