Original Message:
>>>>> "Roberto" == Roberto Hernandez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Roberto> When LyX 1.2.0 was released I upgraded. After trying to
> Roberto> compile my project with the new version, a few things didn't
> Roberto> show up right. To name a couple:
> Roberto> 1. Figure sizes 
> There have been fixed in this area. Could you describe the problem?

Yep, I had figures sized to a certain percentage of the page in 1.1.6 and
that was interpreted as a % of the distance from left to right margin. In
1.2.0 that's interpreted as a % of the page size, so the images are larger.
For example, I put two images side by side in the same float and sized them
to 48% of the page. In 1.2.0 they do not fit side by side and one is
stacked on top of the other.

> Roberto> 2. Minipages 
> We have a script to fix this, but do not know yet what to do with it.

What does it do? I could try it on my document if that helps...

> Roberto> 3. ERT Instets created with 1.1.6fix4 became nested insets in
> Roberto> 1.2.0 (which give error messages)
> Hmm, didn't you report this one? It is not fixed as far as I know.

I reported it here. Even sent a screenshot. But I got no replies.


> There should not be changes in the file format. However, there will be
> a few fixes in the reading of 1.1.x files.
> Hope this helps.

It does, thanks.


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