On Tue, Jun 18, 2002 at 10:50:56AM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Based on the forwarded message below, I think it is necessary that you
> inform list subscribers that the list is to be publicly archived at a
> place where their addresses will be in full view for crawlers, in
> particular to email address collectors that sell the addresses to
> spammers and whatnot.

This is an exaggeration, as should be clear from Hank's message.

> In contrast, at mail-archive.com, they do everything they can to 
> 1) hide email addresses
> 2) disallow crawlers.

As is this. All it requires is a single special rule for
mail-archive.com, and all the email addresses are wide-open.

> I do not see any messages at the devel or users' list about this
> archiving at marc.theaimsgroup.com. (My grep for theaims turned up
> nothing on the list archives.)

I asked privately due to the extremely poor quality of the
mail-archive.com interface. It has proven to be a major obstacle for me
multiple times whilst trying to find things.


"If a thing is not diminished by being shared, it is not rightly owned if
 it is only owned & not shared."
        - St. Augustine

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