On Friday 07 June 2002 10:18, Juergen Spitzmueller wrote:
> Oliver Eichler wrote:
> > It's possible to create a footnote within a table cell, however it does
> > not show in the final document output. Impossible in Tex or a Lyx bug?
> > Any workaround?
> It's sort of a LaTeX restriction, but there is an easy workaround. Insert
> the following two lines to the preamble:
>     \usepackage{footnote}
>     \makesavenoteenv{tabular}
> Regards,
> Juergen

Hmm, this produces some errors about a missing '}'.


Ingenieure Kellermann, Voigt, Hoepfl, Eichler, Weidner und Klinger 

DSP Solutions                           http://www.dspsolutions.de

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