Hi, I just switched to lyx1.2.0 and I encounter a small problem with the algorithm environment. In my french documents, I want to see "Algorithme 1" and not "Algorithm 1". I used to hack this with TeX in lyx1.1.6 by putting : \renewcommand{\ALG@name}{Algorithme} However, I can see that things have changed now. Please, tell me what is the best solution : 1. Add "\floatname{algorithm}{Algorithme}" in the preambule to override the \floatname{algorithm}{Algorithm} of LyX 2. Change an option in the new very cool GUI. Which one ? :)
Thanks in advance, Nico. -- Nicolas SABOURET LIMSI-CNRS, BP133, 91403 Orsay, France http://www.limsi.fr/Individu/nico