
    Some newbie questions! If anyone sees fit to answer this, please keep in 
mind that I'm also a Linux newbie, so that any instructions containing 
esoteric (perhaps!) commands might need to be qualified for me!

    Recently I installed LyX 1.2.0, and opened up some documents I'd written 
in 1.1.6fix4. These contained Figure Floats with several figures per float. 
Several problems cropped up in this newer version (which I like very much, 
but have switched back to 1.1.6fix4 for the moment, until I can figure out 
-- no pun intended -- these difficulties):

   1) The figures, which are .eps files, do not display correctly in the LyX 
screen (something like "Error: could not convert file format" shows up). 
This was not a problem in 1.1.6fix4. An earlier post mentioned something 
like this; the user's manual mentions ImageMagick, which seems rather slow 
-- *how* do I go about using these other converters which may do the job 
much more simply?;

   2) Upon xdvi-ing the document, the figures display correctly, but are not 
distributed well on the page. Rather than being scaled and fitted nicely on 
the page, as 1.1.6fix4 did, this newer version puts them all in a line, 
which then simply continues off of the right side of the page -- is there an 
easy fix for this?;

   3) The program does not detect .eps files when looking for figures to 
include in the file. In the line which gives file types to look for, and 
which looks *something* like this:   *.(gif|png|ps| etc, etc  )  there is no 
"eps" entry. It's easy enough to include when I'm wanting to find these 
files, but it would be nice to have it in there by default. Is there a way I 
can modify things to do this?

     Regards, and thanks,

           Curtis Osterhoudt

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