On Tue, May 28, 2002 at 05:12:38PM -0600, Devin Reade wrote:
> I've been trying to figure out a way in lyx to produce the following
> paragraph numbering format for technical documents:
> 1 section title
> 1.1  paragraph
> 1.2  paragraph
> 1.2.1 subpara
> subsubpara
> 1.2.2 subpara
> 1.3  paragraph
> 2 section title
> 2.1 paragraph
> The only thing way so far that I've been able to do this is, after
> writing the text, to switch the paragraphs from "standard" to "subsection"
> "subsubsection", and so forth.  However not only is this onerous, but
> it also (in some cases) requires font size changes, boldface to normal
> typeface changes, etc.

There are many possible ways to make this simpler.
Assuming that the text above should be normal text, except for sections,
you can use an enumerate environment to do what you want, and put, for
example, the following in the preamble
(this can be inserted automatically by the layout file):


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