I use a modified version of the FoilTeX layout file (~/.lyx/layouts/foils.layout). Among other things, it uses a Preamble/EndPreamble block to put two Encapsulated PostScript logos into my slides' left and right headers.
\leftheader{\resizebox{!}{\headheight}{\includegraphics{CodeI.eps}}} \rightheader{\resizebox{!}{\headheight}{\includegraphics{NAS.eps}}} Unfortunately, this only seems to work when the .eps files are in the same directory as the .lyx file defining my slides. That's a pain. I don't want to duplicate the .eps files and I don't want to have to put all .lyx files for slides in the same directory. What can I do to make dvips find the .eps files on some LyX search path that contains ~/.lyx/clipart/? I'd prefer to make use of a search path rather than use full-path file names. Who knows? Someone else might want to use my layout file some day. Incidently, I use lyx- (version 1.1.6 fix 4) and teTeX-1.0.7_1 (made of teTeX-src-1.0.7.tar.gz and teTeX-texmf-1.0.2.tar.gz) from the FreeBSD ports collection. Thanks in advance for any ignorance reduction you can help me achieve. -- M/S 258-5 | 1024-bit PGP fingerprint: | [EMAIL PROTECTED] NASA Ames Research Center | 41 B0 89 0A 8F 94 6C 59 | (650) 604-4416 Moffett Field, CA 94035-1000 | 7C 80 10 20 25 C7 2F E6 | FAX: (650) 604-4377 We each earn what freedom of speech we defend for those who most offend us.