I use a modified version of the FoilTeX layout file 
(~/.lyx/layouts/foils.layout).  Among other things, it uses a 
Preamble/EndPreamble block to put two Encapsulated PostScript logos into my 
slides' left and right headers.


Unfortunately, this only seems to work when the .eps files are in the same 
directory as the .lyx file defining my slides.  That's a pain.  I don't want 
to duplicate the .eps files and I don't want to have to put all .lyx files for 
slides in the same directory.

What can I do to make dvips find the .eps files on some LyX search path that 
contains ~/.lyx/clipart/?  I'd prefer to make use of a search path rather than 
use full-path file names.  Who knows?  Someone else might want to use my 
layout file some day.

Incidently, I use lyx- (version 1.1.6 fix 4) and teTeX-1.0.7_1 (made of 
teTeX-src-1.0.7.tar.gz and teTeX-texmf-1.0.2.tar.gz) from the FreeBSD ports 

Thanks in advance for any ignorance reduction you can help me achieve.
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