Paco Cruz wrote:

> When I do Edit->Reconfigure after changing xdvi->kdvi,
> acroread->kghostview and so on, the following happens:
> - my ./lyx/lyxrc.defaults is erased
> - a new "preferences" file is created in that directory overwriting the
> old one, *and*
> - I lost all my preferences (kdvi and kghostview for viewing outputs),
> and xdvi, acroread and gv are the defaults viewers again :-(

the lyxrc file is no more used. all user-defined parameters
stored in the file preferences.
Maybe that you have two installion dirs. LyX1.2.0 is installed
by default in /usr/local/share/lyx

older versions often in /usr/share/lyx

have a look at it and delete the old files.



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