I'm finalizing a document in lyx and added some more figures when I suddenly got the error: TeX capacity exceeded.
But I'm not quite clear on why. I just added a new eps figure, granted, it's not the smallest one around, but there are already about 40 similar figures in there. When trying a few things I noticed that I only get the error when I add a new figure, not when I duplicate a figure I used before. What is up with that? I have the same problem with the listings package, when I have a number of listings in my document, I can't add any more because of the same TeX capacity. I'm confused about the logic why adding a separate listing or figure can cause capacity problems. Can someone shed some light on this? Also, if I want to enlarge it, what should I enlarge? I found quite a few memory related options in the configuration file (teTeX), but I'm not a TeX wizard and don't exactly know what they mean. I hope you can help me out. These things always seem to happen on deadline day. Thanks. Edwin