On Sun, Apr 28, 2002 at 05:05:03PM -0500, Reuben D Budiardja wrote: > Hi, > In part of my article class document, I inserted a c++ source code. I use > insert -> ascii as lines. Then I blocked all the inserted code, and choose > lyx-code in the environment. The inserted code, somehow, has the protected
It is simpler to first select the lyx-code layout, and then do insert file->ascii as lines. > space all over the place. So the formatting layout looks right in Lyx. But > when I viewed using postcript, it looks like to me that the protected space > is not printed as space. Only regular space, which you can use multiple in > the lyx-code environemtn, is printed correctly. > > I am thinking to do search and replace to replace the protected space with > regular space, but how do I do that ? Any workaround in this? Just save the file and read it again, and everything will be OK. BTW, you can also insert source code by using insert->include file, and using the verbatim option, or by using the listings package (see http://www.lyx.org/help/listings/listings.php3).