On Sun, Apr 14, 2002 at 06:45:55PM +0200, Fabrice wrote:
> I would like to make a bibliography wich would be divided in multiple
> parts and wich would cite all the things in my .bib files.
> The problem is that only the first bibliography is created. In the second
> part, i have the good bibliography title but the first bibliography is
> repeted, and nowhere i can see the references from the second bib file.
> What shall i do to have the second bibliography too?
> Here how my lyx file looks like:
> # \nocite{*}
> # \renewcommand\refname{Bibliographie}
> # *** Here the box who calls the biblio Bibliographie
> # \nocite{*}
> # \renewcommand\refname{Archives}
> # *** Here the box who calls the biblio Archives

Use bibtopic.

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