> Why did you choos brazil2 instead of brazil.kmap? What's the

> difference in terms of ease of use? Are there of brazilian

> users out there who could comment? 

OK, let's see the differences

In brazil.kmap we have:
\kmod ' acute aeioucAEIOUC
\kmod ` grave aA
\kmod ~ tilde aoAO
\kmod ^ circumflex eaoEAO
\kmod \" umlaut aeiouAEIOU

\kxmod acute c "\\c{c}"
\kxmod acute C "\\c{C}"

\kxmod acute i "\\'{\\i}"

and in brazil2.kmap we have:
\kmod ` grave aeiouAEIOU
\kmod ~ tilde aoAO
\kmod ^ circumflex eaoEAO
\kmod ' cedilla cC
\kxmod cedilla a "\\'{a}"
\kxmod cedilla A "\\'{A}"
\kxmod cedilla e "\\'{e}"
\kxmod cedilla E "\\'{E}"
\kxmod cedilla i "\\'{i}"
\kxmod cedilla I "\\'{I}"
\kxmod cedilla o "\\'{o}"
\kxmod cedilla O "\\'{O}"
\kxmod cedilla u "\\'{u}"
\kxmod cedilla U "\\'{U}"

and in both when I press ' + c = \'{c}

Thanks, Alexandre Gonçalves Jacarandá

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