On Tue, 9 Apr 2002 10:38:42 -0500
Peter Clark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Tuesday 09 April 2002 09:07 am, Christian Beermann wrote:
> > Now prepare a work in linguistics and I need the IPA
> > (International Phonetic Alphabet) Does anybody know if it is
> > possible to use these signs with lyx, and what I have to do to use
> > these signs ?
>       Yes, the tipa package makes it very easy. If it is not already
>       installed on your system, search CTAN for "tipa" to get the
>       package and the documentation. (You'll need to use Evil Red
>       Text, but it's really simple.):Peter

Thank you very much now I can start to work it was realy simple to
install the IPA Package, one stupid newbie question: What do You mean
with "Evil Red Text"

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