On Fri, 5 Apr 2002, Hellmut Weber wrote:

> having the same problem but no experience how to use GIMP I would be
> grateful for some hints just to take a snapshot of a window and to save
> it in a format which can be imported into a LyX document.

to take a snapshot of a windows just click
File (Datei) --> Take* (Holen) --> Snapshot

the Snapshot dialog box appears... select Einzelnes Fenster (default) then
click OK ... the cursor to be a big plus... then click the window which
you want to grab/capture...

resize until a suitable size (resizing in latex is bad if there is font or
vector-like feature), better resize with gimp (at leas in my experience).
Resizing a figure, click right hand mouse on the figure then click...

Bild (Image) --> Skalieren... etc (sorry my gimp speak German).

Save your image as eps (just click right hand mouse and Datei -->
Speichern unter/Speichern), type the_name.eps (GIMP automatically saving
into eps format...) don't forget activate the PS Language type 2.

I hope small tips will help you. Sorry for other list-members. This is
very OOT...


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